- -€4.00

It is the highest quality long lasting GK XD brows eyebrow tint for professional use. This henna eyebrow tint is characterized by its long-term lasting on the eyebrows and on their skin. On the eyebrow hair – 10-30 days, on its skin – 5-20 days.
These henna tint are made according to the patented "Grožio kultas" formula, containing special plant additives, which results in extremely long lasting effect. The permanent make-up effect from the GK XD brows henna tint is a great alternative to customers who are afraid of permanent make-up. The color palette contains 5 colors (black, dark brown, brown, light brown and natural brown), so you can perfectly choose the color you want.
Quantity 15ml.
Only at the training center “Grožio kultas” you will learn to do eyebrow architecture correctly using the GK XD brows long-lasting henna tint.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btZhNrubBYc